Why is it a good idea to join Coders Lab as a lecturer?
Is IT not just your job but also your passion? Share it with everyone who wants to take their first (or next) step in the world of new technology. Start teaching and become a lecturer for a group of ambitious individuals who want to begin their IT careers.
- We are the first IT school in Poland.
- We'll provide you with ready-made materials to teach with and you are going to be able to influence how they update and share your own ideas: it is up to you what and when to teach.
- We organize full-time, weekend and evening courses. You decide what schedule is best for you.
- Our Course Owners are going to support you when you need it.
- The onboarding we offer to every new lecturer lets you participate in the classes taught by an experienced trainer.
- Our lecturers get invited to SLACK channels dedicated to sharing experience.
Your development stages
Find an ad on our website or email us at grzegorz.morawski@coderslab.pl. You can also apply with the form at the bottom of the website.
You are going to learn how we teach and how our school functions.
We are going to confirm your tech expertise.
Join Coders Lab lecturers
I believe you can't keep all your knowledge to yourself. It wants to be shared. What I enjoy the most about teaching is watching how students progress and how we, the lecturers, guide them along their way. On day one you have a group that can't do anything. And every day, every week, they work to learn new things and get awesome.

Join us as a lecturer
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