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Why the Manual Tester course?

This course is the fastest way to enter the IT industry - in just 6 weeks you will become a software tester and start looking for a job. As part of the course you will take the ISTQB exam recognised by employers.

Man in front of a computer shows a gesture of success

Why is it worth it?

Thinking about a career in IT but don't know if you can do it? The profession of a tester is the ideal, easiest start in IT. You gain a wide range of opportunities for further development, e.g. as an automation tester or team leader. And during the course itself you will gain experience in working with different types of applications.

Smiling woman with glasses and laptop

For whom?

The job of a tester involves looking for bugs in software. You will need qualities such as patience, meticulousness, inquisitiveness, but also openness and the ability to empathise with the user. As a tester, you will often work with team members, especially programmers. Therefore, you must also be communicative.

A smiling man with glasses and laptop

What will you learn?

During the course you will learn methodologies and tools for software testing that verify that software works according to customer requirements. As part of the course, you will carry out a testing project on a real application using the Scrum methodology, and you will also prepare for the international ISTQB exam.


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Course Manual Tester programme


Forms of learning in Coders Lab

The course is conducted remotely in weekend and evening modes. This makes it easy to combine learning with your everyday duties.


Manual Tester online course

On remote courses, you learn in a virtual classroom. This is online programming learning that combines live classes and self-study, all on Coders Lab's proprietary platform. All you need is a computer and internet access. Best for those who want to study at the weekend because they study, work or have other responsibilities during the week.

Remote learning means:

  • the quality of an in-class course,
  • 50% live classes with a lecturer and a group in a virtual classroom,
  • 50% self-study at any time,
  • the opportunity to learn from anywhere,
  • Evening mode: classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, between 6:30 PM and 9:00 PM
  • Weekend mode: classes are held every second weekend between 9 AM and 5 PM


Upcoming dates

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Download the handbook

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How to finance an IT course?

We know that a course is a big expense. That's why you can pay for it in two different ways.


Income sharing agreement

You can finance your education with help of our partner, Lendorse. Income Sharing Agreement allows you to join the course without any fees and pay after you land your job.

Piggy bank icon

From your own funds

You can pay for the course by traditional bank transfer. This is the fastest form of payment, without unnecessary formalities.

Paper money icon

Instalment payment

You can split the payment into instalments. The amount and number of instalments depend on the course and payment plan you choose.

Money refund icon

Money-back guarantee

If, for any reason, you can't finish the bootcamp you have enrolled on, you will get a refund for the part of the course that you haven't completed.


Course Advisor

+48 664 185 382

Contact our Course Advisor to get more information about the courses and ask any questions you might have.


Do you want to know if the IT industry is for you?

Fill up this form and we will send you our bootcamp handbook. Leave your number so our Course Advisor will be able to contact you.

We'll be happy to answer any questions that pop into your head.

During a conversation with an advisor you will learn:

  • how to choose a course to suit your needs,
  • what the program and organisation of the course looks like,
  • which mode of learning will be best for you,
  • what financing methods you can choose from,
  • how we will help you find your first job in IT.

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Frequently asked questions

Who is a manual tester?

A tester is a person who - to put it humorously - questions every, even the smallest, element of a website, software, application or game. The task of such a person is to catch possible errors which make the project the IT team is working on not work as it should. These may be missing functionalities or non-functional sub-pages.

What are the characteristics of a good tester?

If you are wondering how to become a tester and which qualities of your character can help you to get a new job, the answer is quite simple. In this profession you will need:

  • regularity,
  • inquisitiveness,
  • meticulousness,
  • communicativeness,
  • the ability to empathize with the user.

A knowledge of psychology is also an added value so that you can better understand and test the possible ways of navigating a website or using a mobile application.

This type of work often involves bringing "bad" news and informing your colleagues about the need to make corrections. Therefore, it is also worth having well-developed soft skills. A tester works directly not only with a project manager but also with developers. This is why it is worth being able to arrange this cooperation in such a way that it brings benefits to both sides

If you feel that this description fits you, and you want to use your natural predispositions in the best possible way, then become a tester by buying the Coders Lab course.

What does a tester do?

An application- or software tester is a very important member of the team. He or she keeps his or her hand on the pulse and meticulously tests all variants of the emerging pages or project views.

In a nutshell, it can be said that a manual tester conducts functionality tests and detects all bugs and defects to then report corrections to the developers. All websites, software, applications or games go through this process - often more than once.

The tester's tasks also include creating scenarios for individual tests. This is a step towards streamlining work and following a specific plan. After all, no party can be left out.

In their everyday work, manual testers check the website or application for

  • correctness,
  • efficiency,
  • reliability,
  • security system.

Why can a manual tester be useful in the IT industry?

A tester, thanks to their accuracy and natural propensity for doubt:

  • delivers quality solutions,
  • speeds up the process of catching errors,
  • ensures code coverage by tests,
  • reduces the propagation of errors into the production environment.

In turn, all these points contribute to the satisfaction of the end-users of the system.

Software tester - how to start your adventure with testing?

One of the professions still in demand on the market is software tester. A course - intensive, practical and conducted under the guidance of experts in the field - is the easiest and at the same time the most effective way to acquire these skills. It is also worth taking an interest in the ISTQB certificate. The exam, for which you need to prepare thoroughly, tests your skills and verifies your readiness for a new profession.

So if you want to change the industry and enter the world of testing, then:

  1. Choose our testing bootcamp, which will allow you to prepare for the exam in as little as 6 weeks, make a project for your portfolio and gain a new profession.
  2. Pass the certification exam.
  3. Look for a job in a new industry!

Is a junior tester likely to find a job in the industry?

This question very often arises in the minds of people interested in testing who still have not made a final decision. As the story of Karol, our graduate, shows, you can find a job even two weeks after finishing the course. You just need the determination to do it. After the course and passing the exam, the goal of changing industry and job is within reach.

The good news is also that a manual tester is still in demand in the IT industry.And it also gives you the opportunity to develop your competencies and go into automation testing.

How do I pass the ISTQB exam?

There are three levels to the ISTQB exams. The Manual Tester course prepares you for the basic level - the ISTQB Foundation Level. The credentials that confer this certificate are based on the syllabus, on the basis of which we have also prepared one topic block of our course.

This way we prepare you for exactly the topics and subject areas you need to get certified. It is therefore a short and carefully designed path leading to a positive test result.

Will I receive a certificate of completion of the course?

Yes, each Coders Lab student receives a certificate of completion of the IT course after completing all the blocks, passing the exam or defending the final project.

It is sent by email. However, you can also apply for a paper version.

In addition, each edition of this testing course is arranged in such a way that the students take the ISTQB exam.The certificate obtained after passing the exam documents your knowledge and enables you to look for a job while still attending the course.


Where can I take the ISTQB certification exam?

Here you will find the list of companies that organize the ISTQB certification exams in each country.