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We are in the process of the fourth industrial revolution and technology is developing faster than ever. The IT market is growing at a tremendous pace and it’s penetrating more and more of our life spheres. It is not surprising that the number of IT specialists that are being sought on the job market is growing constantly.

The number of IT employees that are still needed in the European labour market has increased to 900,000. Working in the IT industry brings great development prospects. Most people consider programming as tedious “code typing” and boring. However, working in IT brings a lot of challenges, development, and many interesting specializations - particularly in new technologies. Every year, the IT sector gains new professions that no one would have dreamed of a few years ago, they are so-called professions of the future - VR Engineer, Blockchain Engineer, Machine Learning Specialist. These are just a few of many fascinating IT professions in the world. 




If you are interested in the world of new technologies and you like continuous development and acquiring knowledge - the IT world will be a fascinating place for you. You do not need to have technical education to start your adventure with programming - all you need is appropriate motivation and systematic work. People graduating from IT courses have proved it more than once. A career in IT means lifelong learning, therefore people who want to start their way in this industry should be eager to develop their skills. If you are wondering what development path would be the best for you at the beginning - do an aptitude test. You will learn which profession in the IT industry will be best for you.


Learning programming, testing or UX from scratch and working as a Junior is just the beginning. In this business, you learn all your life. 

Check in what direction you can develop your career and what professions of the future await you in the world of new technologies.


Professions of the future: who is a Virtual Reality Engineer?

Virtual Reality is more and more boldly entering other areas of our lives than just computer games. This brings huge business hopes - Goldman Sachs predicts that the VR industry will soon be as huge as the TV industry. The areas in which Virtual Reality will be used include film, marketing, entertainment, medicine, and the military. A Virtual Reality Engineer is a person who is responsible for creating software that allows the system to recognize reality, measure distances, etc. Additionally, people in this position are responsible for creating interfaces of these systems or simulating reality. Specialists in this field should use game engines ​​such as C++, Unity or Unreal. A VR Engineer must be very good at 3D graphics and know English very well, as most literature and programs are written in this language. A Virtual Reality Specialist should be creative, perceptive, accurate, patient and able to work under time pressure.


Big Data specialist - the most desirable profession in the world?

According to many specialists, Big Data is the most promising field in the IT industry. Every year, the global Internet resources increase by 40%, and therefore companies invest more and more in analytical tools. It is not surprising that the lack of Big Data Specialists reaches 4 million on the labour market in the United States alone, and Data Scientist is the most sought after profession. For most companies, effective analysis of the obtained data and making the right decisions based on it is now a key challenge. Data Scientist is a person who combines the competencies of a programmer and a data analyst. The languages ​​that are used in this field are Python and R they should be learned by a person who wants to develop in this direction. If you are interested in a career in IT as a Data Scientist, you should be inquisitive, willing to experiment with various methods and be able to analyze and draw conclusions. The basic competence in this IT profession is also a great knowledge of statistics and econometrics.

Cyber ​​Security

The dynamic development of new technologies and their prevalence in everyday life make both individual users and large enterprises or government organizations vulnerable to cyberattacks. For companies and institutions that handle huge amounts of data, the subject of IT security and the person who will take care of it becomes a key issue. Cyber ​​Security Specialist should gain experience in working with IT systems and infrastructure, use Unix, Linux, Windows operating systems and use various programming languages. A person who wants to make a career in the IT industry as a Cyber ​​Security Specialist should also have proficiency in English, be perceptive, but above all calm and accurate. In this profession of the future, knowledge of mathematics is also necessary to correctly build algorithms and design new solutions that increase security.

Who is a Machine Learning Specialist?

The ability to learn is one of the most important functions that technological creations have today. Work on the development of artificial intelligence is carried out intensively all over the world, and even today cognitive computing is playing an increasingly important role. The most famous project in this field was launched by IBM, which released a machine called Watson, based on Machine Learning. Thanks to advanced algorithms, he defeated people in game shows, but also advised doctors on therapies for specific patients. The more and more dynamic development of this type of projects creates a demand for specialists in this field. As a Machine Learning Specialist, you will be responsible for developing programs that are based on logical reasoning, interpret and learn from the collected data, and use conclusions to solve various problems.

One of the most popular languages ​​in Machine Learning today is Python, so if you want to progress in this direction, you should start learning it. Additionally, you should be fluent in English and be thorough, perceptive, and patient. Advanced knowledge of mathematics is a required skill in this profession of the future. Thanks to this, you can create mathematical models based on which AI learns to process data in the way we want.



From year to year, the demand for specialists in the IT industry increases. However, this does not mean that we still need the same people as we did 10 years ago. Due to the dynamic development of new technologies, the IT world is changing just as quickly as intensively. New professions that arise from the development of innovative projects enter the labour market permanently. The IT industry is a place where you need to constantly develop your skills if you do not want to not be left behind. You have many opportunities - the number of professions in this sector is constantly growing and, depending on your interests and willingness to learn, you can direct your career as you want. See how easy your first step into the IT world can be.

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